Chapter 23
New-born Kittens: Part III
Assalamualaikum & Hello peepz.
Third post for my neko. hahaha. Boring tak, boring tak? rofl. Ader aku kisah?! Tak mau bace, takpe. Just click that Blogger's Icon to head back to your dashboard.
Ok. Thanks for those who read it. haha. I really appreciate it.
Neko for today is.... *drum sounds*
EizaF presents to u...
Pororo aka Roro-chan~~~
Yang ke-2 dari 4 adik-beradik... wahahaha~~~ aku rase la.
The most black among them and I called it, Alien because of its eyes.
Blue in color and its really nice.
Dier nie la yang paling bising biler yang lain usik dier but biler dier disturb yang lain, dier yang paling ganas. hahaha.
Ok, that's all for now.
Assalamualaikum & Hello peepz.
Third post for my neko. hahaha. Boring tak, boring tak? rofl. Ader aku kisah?! Tak mau bace, takpe. Just click that Blogger's Icon to head back to your dashboard.
Ok. Thanks for those who read it. haha. I really appreciate it.
Neko for today is.... *drum sounds*
EizaF presents to u...
Pororo aka Roro-chan~~~
Yang ke-2 dari 4 adik-beradik... wahahaha~~~ aku rase la.
The most black among them and I called it, Alien because of its eyes.
Blue in color and its really nice.
Dier nie la yang paling bising biler yang lain usik dier but biler dier disturb yang lain, dier yang paling ganas. hahaha.
Ok, that's all for now.