Chapter 134
Assalamu'alaikum & Zellow peepz!
Yea, yea... been awhile since the last January's update. I'm getting too lazy to update this blog of mine since I started my busy life. Yeah! I'm getting back in college for my fourth semester, which exactly know as last semester of second year. It's been 3 weeks since the brand new semester start and guess what, I haven't go back to my hometown yet.
Lots of things happen in past 3 weeks, but recently, I had a bad thing and it's need myself to get strong no matter what happen. I'm pretty lost actually after the incident, but I have to make myself look strong even deep inside I'm hurt badly. Yea, I'm hurt badly and I wish that person also knew it, but I bet that person won't even wanna know it even deeper inside that person knew it. Pftt!
Anyways, I will leave all that to Allah S.W.T because Allah knows what's the best for me. InsyaAllah.
Okie. I guess that's all for now. I got tons of work actually, but been slacking around and that's not good.
Catch ya all later.