Syawal + Raya = Open House

rofl~~~ yea...!!! that'z the title for now~~~ since this raya, too many open house that I must attend or not must... hehehe... Well, since only 2 of my frendz invite me to their open house but the rest invitation are from my parent's frendz...lolz....!!!

But unfortunately I only attend 1 of my frendz open house only lor~~~ Sorry to Intan because I dun when to her house lor~~ Intan, sorry ek.. hehehe... hope that I could having fun wit u but unfortunately I can't~~~
Okie, here some photos from my camera when I was at Myra's Open House on last Saturday...

There...!!! End of photos section~~ *giggles* All this was taken from our journey from claz to Mira's house... and we also got lost when we heading to her house~~ Aiyo, xde org pun tau kt maner umah Mira mase tu... so, ikt jer la jln yg ptt smpi 1 mase tu ustaz kate kitorg dh t'lps... hahaha... luckily there's Intan who knew the shortcut to get back on track~~~ hahaha... Thanks, Intan ^^

Okie, that'z all for now, I guess~~~ and here I also want to thanked to Intan because let me ride her motorcycle to Mira's house~~~ hehehe... Trimas ye, Intan...