Green Walk Day (19 Oct) Part 5 [Last Report]

As what I wrote for the title, yea, last report for our Green Walk Day...
Well, this last post is nothing, just photos of our own shoes that we snap on that day, to show some love *love?!* for the event... lmao... love ker?? aku dngr m'bebel sepnjg event tu sbb rase cam buang mase jer dtg sedangkn kami sumer ader byk assignments yg perlu d'siapkn...

^ Black Yellow --> EizaF, Black Pink --> Lieya, Black Red -->Haniem, Grey --> K.A & White --> Cik Kintan

^ Peace

^ This show how much we "LOVE" the Green Walk Day...rofl

There.. haha... arie tu bleh kate K.A sgt happy sbb dier assume dier lg tinggi dr Lieya sbb kasut yg beliau pki~~ same goes to Intan... hahaha.. but Haniem, can't say anyting because she already tall enough from them, amek korg..!!! hehe...
Aku?? Aku pki jer kasut basketball lamer yg aku bwk gi claz mase aku ddk kt campus lamer aku dlu, so xde arr kisah sgt... hehehe...