Black Paradox @ Bisikan Paradoks by Ito Junji

Manga @ comic nie dh lamer dh publish, cumer aku jer yg baru rase t'detik nk bli sbb slame arie nie, novel grafik plus yg seangkatan dgnnyer, dongsaeng2 aku yg slalu bli, sbb most of my money, already wasted for my comic... *I bought Gempak every months lor* so, this is my first time buying it... lol *kedekut giler*

Well, so far the storyline kinda creepy plus complicated wit the draw skills that awesome *for people like me who doesn't know how to draw properly* this manga totally creepy & exciting... hahaha wit the extra story after the main story, damn scary...

But from what I had read from the other readers, I mean the one who always read Ito-san's comic, this comic aren't scared enough... maknenyer, ader lg manga dier yg lg meNAKUTkn dr yg nie rupenyer...

Mmmmm... to me, Black Paradox already makes my heart beat like a crazy person although its just a story... kinda creepy to me (=.=)

So (^.^) for those who haven't read it yet & wanna try genre seram punyer comic, get it now... lol *tlg promote plak*

p/s: this is my first time reading horror genre of comic...