Must agree wit him!!!!

Just wanna share something here... a vid from matluthfi90 *he's the most famous vblogger for now... I think la*
About judge of people toward others... nice vid & I think people should watch it...
Although u can't speak or understand malay, maybe u could get someone who understand it to explain to u... (^_^)v how was it?? hahaha...

Pe yg aku suker psl vid dier?
Walaupun care penyampaian dier maybe agk main2 but behind it, ader byk advices & that's good, u know? no kidding, ok... hahaha
Bkn aku agung2kn dier or pe, just throw out my opinion, that's all...
Well yea, setiap org ader opinion sendirikn? aku pun ader gak opinion aku sndr... so why not I give my opinion... hahaha

Ok... ape pun, just enjoy & that the lesson from his vid...

p/s: So, dun ever think that I hate my own lang when I speak English or other lang... Thanks...
Creditz ----> matluthfi90 @ YouTube