Final Semester... ようこそ

Assalamualaikum & Hello peepz.
Lamer gak aku tinggalkan blog aku nie eh? haha since 14 Dec.
Well, nothing aku boleh share pun sepanjang aku tak berblogging.
I just with my usual, ordinary lame routine while on holidays.
Honestly, I just spend all my holidays at home. haha. Believe it.

Teringin gak aku nak balik kampung but memandangkan keadaan yang tak berape mengizinkan, so terpaksa la aku tunggu untuk satu tarikh yang bakal ditetapkan. *long sigh*

Ok. Just forget it about those holidays thingy.
Now, back to the main topic of this post.

Tomorrow is the first day of my final semester.
Finally... the semester that I been waiting for... My Final Semester, My Senpai Year. haha.
Cepatnyer mase berlalu... tick tack tick tack. I'm in last semester.
Rase cam baru semalam jer aku jejakkan kaki aku dekat kolej. haha.

In few months later, I will leave it as an ex-student of it.
Mmmm... wonder if I will miss those memories? *not the bad one*
Just keep it aside for now.

Starting tomorrow, I promise to myself that I won't slaking around anymore.
I'll study as hard as I can & get good pointer for my final year.
Plus put all my effort in my final project. YOSH!

Dakara, wish me all the best for this final semester.
And to myself...

"Welcome to final semester, EizaF senpai"