Chapter 90
Assalamu'alaikum & Zello peepz!
Finally I got some strengthen to update my blog. ahaks. Kemalasan terasa tatkala aku tidak tahu apa yang perlu aku update walaupun aku tersangatlah ingin mengupdatekan blog kecikku ini. puwahahaha~
Now, with brand new mood because aku nak lupakan segala kepahitan yang aku alami sejak beberapa bulan lepas *puihh* and I wanna start a brand new happy go lucky life. Can meh? InsyaAllah, I can. With my family support, I could go through everything that I think impossible.
Okie. For this entry, just wanna share some of my kittens' photos which I had took so very the lil' time to snap because those monsters are totally naughty and kinda hard to handle if they were hyper.
Tak reti duk diam monsters dalam umah aku nie. Memanjang lari. Dah la banyak. Haih. hehehe.
Aku tak tau nie generasi keberapa tapi aku rasa yang ke-3 kot. If I'm not mistaken la. Al-maklum la, banyak sangat monsters dalam umah nie sampai tak tau dah ader generasi keberapa. rofl.
But yeah, for sure, this is the 3rd generation and sorry for the 2nd generation because I didn't make any entry for them because if I wasn't mistaken, I was too busy with my seminar for a month at somewhere. hehehe.
Okie. Let's start now.
First round... let's meet Dany~ I gave it a full name but let it be a secret. hehehe.
Dany... the most naughty one, and active too. Got another nickname as Spender because of the color of the fur on its head. Abah la, kekdg panggil Spender, cam Choji dalam anime Naruto tu. ahaks.
Second is Smeagol... a girl kitten. But more like a boy one. rofl. Family aku tak tau pun Smeagol nie betina sampai la adik aku cakap yang Smeagol nie betina. So yeah. hehehe. Kekdg aku panggil Smeagol nie 'Hantu' sebab dalam gelap cam hantu. puwahahaha.
Last but not least, the most I love to bully, its too cute, lazy, sengal... all goes to Socky aka Gemok aka Pemaleh. hahaha. Banyakkan namer dier? But most of the time, we all call it, Gemok. hehe. Satu2nya yang ikut Mama dier, Chibi. except for the color of the fur. Gemok ader kaler putih bawah badan dier. hehehe.
Dorg nie sepatutnyer ader lagi 2 ekor but unfortunately its died. One of them named as Melur, Mama's fav. and another one was Haroro belong to my sis. Dua2 mati sebab demam kot, ntah aku pun tak brape sure sebab both of them died when I wasn't at home but luckily aku penah main ngan dorg sebelum nie.
Okie. Mungkin sampai sni je la posting aku. Bosan lak type lamer2 sebab nie masuk kali ke-2 aku type untuk entry nie. Tadi tertekan pe ntah sampai hilang. Mengong betul. hahaha.
Till next time.
Finally I got some strengthen to update my blog. ahaks. Kemalasan terasa tatkala aku tidak tahu apa yang perlu aku update walaupun aku tersangatlah ingin mengupdatekan blog kecikku ini. puwahahaha~
Now, with brand new mood because aku nak lupakan segala kepahitan yang aku alami sejak beberapa bulan lepas *puihh* and I wanna start a brand new happy go lucky life. Can meh? InsyaAllah, I can. With my family support, I could go through everything that I think impossible.
Okie. For this entry, just wanna share some of my kittens' photos which I had took so very the lil' time to snap because those monsters are totally naughty and kinda hard to handle if they were hyper.
Tak reti duk diam monsters dalam umah aku nie. Memanjang lari. Dah la banyak. Haih. hehehe.
Aku tak tau nie generasi keberapa tapi aku rasa yang ke-3 kot. If I'm not mistaken la. Al-maklum la, banyak sangat monsters dalam umah nie sampai tak tau dah ader generasi keberapa. rofl.
But yeah, for sure, this is the 3rd generation and sorry for the 2nd generation because I didn't make any entry for them because if I wasn't mistaken, I was too busy with my seminar for a month at somewhere. hehehe.
Okie. Let's start now.
First round... let's meet Dany~ I gave it a full name but let it be a secret. hehehe.
Dany... the most naughty one, and active too. Got another nickname as Spender because of the color of the fur on its head. Abah la, kekdg panggil Spender, cam Choji dalam anime Naruto tu. ahaks.
Second is Smeagol... a girl kitten. But more like a boy one. rofl. Family aku tak tau pun Smeagol nie betina sampai la adik aku cakap yang Smeagol nie betina. So yeah. hehehe. Kekdg aku panggil Smeagol nie 'Hantu' sebab dalam gelap cam hantu. puwahahaha.
Last but not least, the most I love to bully, its too cute, lazy, sengal... all goes to Socky aka Gemok aka Pemaleh. hahaha. Banyakkan namer dier? But most of the time, we all call it, Gemok. hehe. Satu2nya yang ikut Mama dier, Chibi. except for the color of the fur. Gemok ader kaler putih bawah badan dier. hehehe.
Dorg nie sepatutnyer ader lagi 2 ekor but unfortunately its died. One of them named as Melur, Mama's fav. and another one was Haroro belong to my sis. Dua2 mati sebab demam kot, ntah aku pun tak brape sure sebab both of them died when I wasn't at home but luckily aku penah main ngan dorg sebelum nie.
Okie. Mungkin sampai sni je la posting aku. Bosan lak type lamer2 sebab nie masuk kali ke-2 aku type untuk entry nie. Tadi tertekan pe ntah sampai hilang. Mengong betul. hahaha.
Till next time.