Chapter 142

Assalamu'alaikum & Zellow peepz!
Guess where am I now? Ahakz. Currently at my home sweet home~~~
Decide to come back home after my second paper since my third paper will be on next Wednesday and yeah, I have more than a week, plus since Abah and Mama lets me to come back home, so, here I am. rofl!

Okie. Let's just go on with the actual story, shall we?

Last week, on Thursday, I decided to followed aka also do a part-time job as a driver for my friend who wanna meet other friends at Terengganu. At first, Abah didn't allow me to go to Terengganu but after some small talk with Abah, finally Abah let me go as a driver for my friend. Yay!

Heading to Kerteh at 9:30am and arrived there about 11:30am. Took about 2 hours from Gambang to Kerteh. After fetching up my friend's friends, then we head to Crystal Mosque aka Masjid Kristal in Kuala Terengganu. The Mosque was so beautiful and magnificent.

Then, head to Pasar Payang for some shopping but I didn't buy much, more like window shopping. Just get some keychains for my siblings. And this not the photo of the Pasar Payang that I went. I took this photo because it's nearby the Pasar Payang.

The last place that we went was Batu Buruk Beach.

Then, heading back to Gambang at 9:30pm. Overall the trip was fun and great. It was my first time in Terengganu and I hope I could bring my family and visit all those awesome places.

Okie. That's all for now. Update laterz.