Assalamualaikum & Hello peepz
Mmmmm... agak lamer gak la aku tinggal dunia blogger aku nie, eh? haha...
Well, kinda busy recently. Assignments, mini projects, quizzes, report etc. plus final exam is just a week more & I need to study for all the subjects.
Cam leceh jer kan? Hah. Tu la dier challenge as a student especially college's students. We can't runaway from those things. Every semester, mesti ader exam. So, whether u want it or not, u gonna face it, rite?

But study, study jugak. Jangan la asyik mengadap jer buku tu, your health, mesti kene jage gak. If u just study & ignore your empty stomach, tak gune gak sebab nanti sakit, susah. So, just find some time to chill and have some fun. Either watching TV, anime, cooking etc. Just do whatever can make u relax and forget about your study for awhile.

If u ask me, I usually play games and watch anime or Japanese Drama. Since I can't cook and I hate to cook, so I just end up in front of my notebook or TV. Get myself some Jdorama DVDs and just play it on my notebook. But recently I'm really crazy about Paradise Kiss or ParaKiss, either the anime or LIVE ACTION, I'm crazy about it now. And after I finish watch the anime, I'll hunt for the manga too. lol. I think its my first time read manga online because usually I just bought it from the stores.

Call me an otaku or whatsoever because I don't care at all. In fact, I'm proud to be one of them. hahaha. Being an otaku, its not a BIG deal. But just remember, do not reover do it. *wink wink*
And yea, I'm a Japanese Freak! No doubt about that. People around me kinda not too uncomfortable with it but I don't mind about what people think about it.
And thanks to my parents, who always support in whatever I like. hahaha. Sankyuu nee, Otosan Okasan.

Okiedokie. Aku dah membebel banyak sangat nie. Rase cam takde point jer membebel tak tentu pasal. hahaha. Signing off dulu. Later I'll update more.

+The ParaKiss anime+

+The ParaKiss LIVE ACTION+

p/s: I don't want to use short form for Malay anymore. Instead of short form, I'll spell it in full word and enjoy my new layout. Still under construction.