EXAM: Java Programming 1

Assalamualaikum & Hello peepz.
Today, the final exam of this semester had just begun. My first paper was Java Programming 1 which held on 2:30pm at the library of the campus.
Kalau korang tanyer aku boleh buat ker tak. Ermm... so far la, ok kot. Its just I don't have enough time to finish the last question even I don't about it but I try to do it since I had read the note about it. So, try-try la wat, kot-kot dapat markah ker. hahaha.
+Nasib baik aku tak jadi camnie tadi+
Seriously kalau korang tanyer aku study ker tak. Honestly, aku memang tak study. Although I do my revision but I don't feel I gain something from the revision.
Aku admit yang aku nie memang liat kalau bab-bab nak study nie. Walaupun aku cuba untuk menerapkannya dalam diri aku nie supaya rajin, still, malas gak. Banyak sangat "M" dalam diri aku nie.
Petang tadi, aku confess kat member-member aku yang aku tawakal untuk paper Java nie. Then, right after the exam end, one of my friends told me this, "EizaF, please, jangan tawakal untuk paper HCI yea." and I just say, "hai hai", smiled to them while walk heading to the car. Okie, aku promise malam nie aku akan study untuk HCI.
Okie. Signing off first. Jya.