Chapter 40

Assalamualaikum & Zello peepz!!!
It's Sunday, right? haha. Happy Sunday to y'all.
Tapi esok sekolah balik bagi sesetengah negeri sebab arie nie Israk Mikraj, so sesetengah negeri akan bercuti but I guess not my state la.
Sila siapkan kerja sekolah ya, adik-adik. hahaha.

Arie nie aku bangun awal *arie Ahad slalu terlajak tido*
hahaha. Cam tak caye aku bangun awal aih.
Follow my parents and dongsaeng to Memory Lane aka Lokin because my dongsaeng wanted to find something unique for her drawing, I guess.
hahaha. She's an art student, so yeah, when to that kind of place to find something unique and perhaps old too. Smart, huh? hahaha.

Tapi setelah berjalan dekat sejam dekat Lokin tu, end up with nothing sebab benda yang dia carik sangat mahal...
One that we saw was cost RM150... Oh My GD! So costly... hahaha. Barang lama, biasa la kan.
But I'm so very the happy because I bought another Germany's jersey. hahaha.
And sankyuu to my Mama for the jersey.
Oh yeah! I'm Germany's supporter... plus England. hehe.

Then, after that heading to another place where we could find something unique and old. *Abah knows where to find those stuffs*
After wandering around the place for about 45 mins, if I'm not mistaken, also came back with empty hand. Haih... susah jugak nak carik yer. ha ha ha.
But so sudden, Abah remember this one place, but this time just Abah and my dongsaeng when to the shop because Mama, my bro and me too lazy to leave the car. hahaha.
Finally she got this kind of lamp that the fisherman usually use for their boat, I guess la.
Old thing. To me kinda unique. hahaha.

Yesterday, my cousin's family came to my house and they havin' such a 'great' night where yesterday they became doctor to my cat. ha ha ha.
Bersama-sama adik-adik aku, diorang tolong bersihkan ekor kucingku yang sudah injure agak lamer jugak la. Siap berulat lagi. Aiya... seram aku tengok.
Kesian dekat kucing aku. Huhuhu.
Esok Abah janji nak bawak kucing tu gi klinik untuk cuci luka tu lagi sebab sudah dalam giler luka tu.
And me, maybe will be the one who will follow to the clinic. Well, depends.

I guess that's all for now.
Update laterz.

Happy Father's Day to all father all around the world
To my Abah, you're my everything
You're my hero
♥ I Love You ♥

Salam Israk Mikraj kepada semua umat Islam di seluruh dunia

Credits ---> Father's Day Photo