Chapter 45

Assalamualaikum & Zello peepz!
Straight to the main point.

::.:: Germany's Team ::.::

This morning, aku stay up semate nak tengok match between Germany vs Italy.
Such a sad moment when Germany lost to Italy, 2-1.
Siriusly... Germany nyaris dapat lagi 1 gol just before the referee tiup wisel nak bagi tau masa dah abis. ARGHH!!! Geram giler mase tu sebab Manuel Neuer, goalkeeper Germany dah berlari dekat pintu gol Italy, tetibe mase abis. huhuhu.

But anyways, aku salute giler ngn goalkeeper Italy, Gianluigi Buffon.
Giler ah, sumer bola dier bleh sambut. Amazing.

Even Germany lost to Italy but I'm having such a good moment, just by looking at the fans.
All of them, no matter Germany's fans or Italy, all of them get together, cheering, singing.
Cam seronok sangat. haha. Rase cam nak duduk skali cheering ngan dorg sumer.
Ader yang happy, ader yang nangis sebab Germany kalah.
Bond between all of them just like they already knew each other and yea, kinda fun having that kind of scenery during soccer's match.
Macam bagi semangat dekat player2 atas padang tu nak main.
Sirius seronok.

Germany's players semalam banyak gak attack tapi maybe bukan luck dorg, banyak attack tak jadi.
Brape kali nyaris jaringkan gol tapi asyik terlepas jer. Aish. Tak syok. Sedih.
Tapi sirius, Germany punyer players... wooo... fall in love aku. ahaks.
Before this I only like Miroslave Klose, Lukas Podolski & Philipp Lahm but this time... wow. The numbers increase. rofl.
Marco Reus, Toni Kroos, Mesut Özil, Jérôme Boateng & Manuel Neuer. New in list. lol.

Okie. Aku tak tau apsal aku excited sangat nak blogging pasal Euro arie nie.
Maybe sebab Germany kot. haha.
Germany forever.
Even already lost, but I will always support Germany.
End here now.

::.:: My fav. players ::.::