19th July 2011: Hang Out & Photoshoot

Assalamualaikum & hello peepz... *waving happily*
Peh, lps merentasi arie & minggu *tu dia aih ayat* yg xbrape nk "NORMAL" nie, finally aku dpt gak update blog nie wit few things that I had been gone through on July *dh msk August baru nk update... so slow*
Ok, ok.. first of all, start wit date of 19th July, where the planner of the plan, IzniE Jiwa dh berusaha keras utk kmplkn sumer member2 dier mase high school dlu... then, finally dpt la jgk kami b'kmpl b'same2 but unfortunately, Mas Aida which also my cousin, can't join us sbb dier ader claz kete mase tu... paiseh, potong btl la claz dier tu... cm xlengkap plak *nnt beliau akn t'bangge sensorg tatkala m'bacenyer* so, just got about... ermmm... *tgh mengire brape rmi yg ader* aaaaaaaa... (=.=)|| Mmmmmm... ok, ader 7 org sumernyer t'msk aku la & they are IzniE, Najat, Poja, Akma, Aien & Odah...

So, from our place, we heading to Gng Lang first & I ride in Najat's car *bkn kete dier tp kete family, ok* and Akma also drove her car...
Mase kt sane, hang out jer la ngan shooting b'same2 photographer talented iaitu IzniE & Aien... Then, dpt la hslnyer... hahahaha nie la photos dr Gng Lang khas dr IzniE & Aien...

Then after that, heading to Eco Park @ Tmn Seri Botani but before that, Najat, Poja, Odah & me heading to drive-thru McD to get some food for all of us...
As we arrived there, we finished our food first before continue the shooting part... lol... serious kt sni mmg syiok wit the nature view...

So, that'z all from my frendz' camera & the rest of the photos after this is from my phone... not too much because kinda lazy to snap photos & thanks to IzniE because she let me play wit her DSLR... hahaha...

+Creditz to Najat+

+McD Time+

+The Mastermind, IzniE+



+The Twilight Moment+

+All this from Gng Lang+

+Najat focus+

Special Creditz ---> IzniE Jiwa & Aien plus Najat because let me ride her car... Thankies...