First Day of R.A.Y.A

Before I start to write everything about my first day of Raya, first of all, I wanna wishes to all Muslim all around the Globe

Okie, skrg baru msk title utama... lol

As y'all know, 30th August, first day of Syawal, which mean, its a Raya Day for all Muslim all around the Globe, rite? hahaha... yes...
So, almost all of my relatives *blah abah aku* had gathered at my grandmom's house... mmg meriah giler walaupun xrmi yg dtg pagi tu... hehehe
Mmg best la dgn gelak tawa budak2 kecik dipagi hari tu... sonok plak rase...
Luckily I bring along my camera, so, I snap some photos for my blog *cam abg sedare aku ckp, amik jer, cuci gmbr tu xnk... kekekeke*

::.:: Candid Time First ::.::

+My kawaii nieces+

::.:: Shooting Time ::.::

+My Family+

+My nieces... again+

+Qasih, my niece+

+Mawar, Adif & Mira+

+My cousins, nephew & niece+

+The Green Army+

+My cousins & nieces+

+Didi, my cute niece+

Tu jer la utk arie first raya... wait for the second day post... ^^