Fun wit the camera

Ok, ok... nie citer agk dh lamer arr... Mmmmm, 01 August xslap aku.. haha.. *giler, dh dkt 3 weeks baru nk sembang... mmg lembap*
Sbb arie tu gap between the claz kinda long, so aku, Lieya & KA amik decision nk lepak2 jer kt JMSK sbb aku dh pakse dorg jgn blk umah... hahaha.. kejamkn??? rofl...
Plus memandangkn Lieya pun dpt pnjm camera dr Ustaz, so pe lg... hahahaha... b'mulalah section snap, snap... rofl
Not many photos I could get because we just stay at one place & me, myself kinda lazy to take a walk around the department...hehe
So, here are some photos from it...

+keBOSANan melanda+

 After awhile, Haniem & Myra join us, right before the Java claz start... *wink wink*

+Myra & Me in the LG Lollipop+

 Plus, some of random photos that I snap wit the camera rofl...

+Introducing... Mr. Yen in the blog+

+Tree without leafs+

+The memorial lamppost... rofl+

 There ya go, end of the photo section... rofl...
Okie, that'z all for now... Jya...

p/s: Thanks to Ustaz for the camera & Lieya cause teach me how to use the camera & set it for me...