Chapter 121
Assalamu'alaikum & Zellow peepz!
ahaks. Aku kembali. July left us and August is in the house! Jyeah!
Nothing much happened to me few back days ago, just busy doing some home chores since the Raya is just around the corner.
But... aku semacam takde feel nak Raya. Don't know why and don't ask me that question because I don't have the answer for it.
Ok. Just forget that sad stupid problem of mine. Shall we?
A few days ago, I'm up to a project for myself. What it is? Let's check it out.
::.:: The first Danbo which can't turn its head and arms ::.::
There ya go. It's Danbo in the house! Yeay! *throwing confettis around*
Finally I'm having my own Danbo and I got two of it with two colors!White and brown~ hahahaha.
It's Papercraft, ok? Not the real Danbo that I bought. I made it by myself and it's pretty confusing at first.
Here another Papercraft's project that I made a few months ago when I wasn't busy and have a lot of wasting time. rofl.
It's 2 of TaeYang, G-Dragon and SeungRi from BIGBANG and Belphegor from Katekyo Hitman Reborn. Sorry TOP and DaeSung, later if my printer already fixed, I will make Papercraft for both of you.
Y'all can get all the Papercraft template through online. I got my Danbo's template from yuiiwae at Devianart. You can download it from there. And for BIGBANG, you guys can get it from here and for that Belphegor, visit tsunyandere at Devianart too.
Okie. That's all for now.
Still need to buy some stamps because I got something to post.
Signing off now.