Chapter 36

Assalamualaikum & Hello peepz!!!
Akhirnyer... after few few few few days, finally, I'm back!

Kinda busy for now since I'm having course for a month.
Always when back to my room late, usually at 12am... rofl. pretty late, huh?
Oh yeah! totally whacked.

Aku ader lagi lebih kurang 2 minggu lebih lagi sebelum balik umah...
waaaa... rindu giler sama wa punyer umah woo... Mameshiba, EizaF miss u nee!!!

Kat sni ok la, arie2 ader claz... memang aku suker kan.
Claz start pukul 8:30pg bawak ke ptg...
Malam plak wat assignment cam orang giler sbb deadline sblm pukul 12 kene antar. Hadoiyai~~
Letih woo...
Always being among the last students who left the lab. hehehe

Already a week here and manage to get few friends from different college and yeah, they all friendly.
Good to know that all of us try our best to success in this course. hehehe.
Nasib baik sumernyer giler2 gak. hahaha.

Plus... I manage to get an Internet connection here using TM Wifi.
Damn so happy when I could use it.
At least, I'm not too bored when I stay at my room.
Tambah lagi dgn komik yg aku angkut dr umah.. hahaha
Mmg layan la... ngee...

Need rest now.
Tomorrow will be a busy day. Wish me luck.
Coding week, crazy week.

Chapter 35

Assalamualaikum & Hello peepz.
Pagi nie aku akan berangkat dari hometown aku ke tempat lain for a month.
Aduyai. Siriusly... aku memang malas giler.

Almaklum la... dah lamer tak tinggalkan umah.
So, aku memang malas biler mende2 nie jadi.
Packing bgi, mmg bukanlah hobi aku.
Dan aku rase amatlah berat hati nak tinggalkan umah nie.

Tambah2 lagi biler memikirkan yang aku terpakse gunakan lagi kudrat otak yg xseberape nie.
Orang lain dah lepak, aku nie... terpakse korek2 lagi otak aku.
Giler lah.

Hopefully everything will be good plus hoping for time flies really really fast.
Can't imagine how I can survive there for a month.
Although just for a month, I can't really imagine what I'll be.

Maybe I won't be able to update for awhile.
Hope everyone will having a great time.
Plus thanks to my parents & siblings for spending time with me, finding my things from morning till evening. hehe.

Chapter 34

Assalamualaikum & Hello peepz~
Hai hai hai... I'm back. hahaha.
Happy, huh? Oh yeah...
Because finally the exam ended...!!!
Tutup buku... hahahaha...

"Don't you will have a seminar starting next week for a month?!"
(=.=) oh yeah... it is~~ DANG!
I won't be here for a month because at the seminar's place, I might not have an Internet connection.
*crying* How I'm suppose to online while I'm there?? huuhuhuhu
Well... will think about the solution later.. hahaha

So, now busy packing *liar* stuffs for the seminar...
Can you imagine... seminar for a month?!
How crazy..

Thought the seminar had been cancelled but so sudden received an email from lecturer saying that I need to attend it.
DAMN. I already plan my holidays... I mean long long holidays.
But it turn out like that.

Aku dah xde mood nak gi nie.
Sedih la nak kene jauh dari family lagi. Huhuhuhuhu.

Ok, ok.
Chilling... its nothing...
Just a seminar that will end soon.
Think positive.

Last Thursday... I slept at my friends' house.
Well, since Thursday was our last day, so they planned something and yeah, end up sleep at their house... hahaha.
Thanks guys for such a good night. hahaha.

EizaF signing off now.
If I got time, I'll update.

Super creditz ---> 태양's Twitter for "Stay Positive" photo.